Starkiller: The Secret Apprentice
Galen Marek, also known by his codename “Starkiller,” is primarily a character from the “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed” video game series developed by LucasArts. He was created as the secret apprentice of…
Natasi Daala: Ruthless Powerhouse
About Natasi Daala Natasi Daala, a prominent character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe (now known as Star Wars Legends), appears in several Star Wars comics, adding depth to her portrayal as a…
Darth Bane: The Formidable Architect of the Sith in Star Wars Comics
Darth Bane is a significant figure in the “Star Wars” Expanded Universe, now categorized as “Legends.” He is best known for establishing the Rule of Two within the Sith Order, a doctrine stating…
Jorrus C’baoth – The Big Formidable Protector
Jorrus C’baoth is a dark and complex character in the Star Wars Legends universe, known for his pivotal role in Timothy Zahn’s “Thrawn Trilogy,” which has been adapted into several comic series. As…