Zagor – Many epic Battle Against Sinister Monsters and Supernatural Forces
Zagor, a beloved Italian comic series created by writer Sergio Bonelli and artist Gallieno Ferri, transports readers to the untamed wilds of early 19th-century America. In this richly illustrated world, the heroic Patrick…
Notable Zagor Villains: Menacing Adversaries of Darkwood
The list of villains: Supermike (Mike Gordon): Supermike is a former ally turned rival, driven by jealousy. He is a skilled marksman with a desire to prove his superiority over Zagor. His personal…
Bela Rakosi: The Great, Enigmatic and Eternal Foe of Zagor
Story of baron Bela Rakosi Bela Rakosi, the brooding figure at the heart of Zagor‘s encounters with the supernatural, embodies an enduring legacy that transcends the pages of comic books. Introduced in Sergio…